π HEATHER, Alfred Henry - WW1 15176 - Army
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Array ( [entityType] => ITEM [entity] => Array ( [contextId] => aims [id] => R16793819 [idSort] => R16793819 [image] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => https://ndhadeliver.natlib.govt.nz/delivery/DeliveryManagerServlet?dps_pid=IE21751730&dps_func=thumbnail [type] => Reproduction [linkText] => IE21751730 ) ) [name] => HEATHER, Alfred Henry - WW1 15176 - Army [url] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => https://ndhadeliver.natlib.govt.nz/delivery/DeliveryManagerServlet?dps_pid=IE21751730 [type] => Reproduction [linkText] => IE21751730 ) ) [identifier] => Array ( [BoxNumber] => Array ( [0] => 105 ) [priref] => Array ( [0] => 607196 ) [RecordNumber] => Array ( [0] => 0052990 ) ) [parentId] => 18805 [conditionsOfAccess] => Open [digitalRecordInArchive] => 1 [hasBeginningDate] => Array ( [type] => YearStart [normalizedValue] => 1914-01-01T00:00:00.0Z [dateQualifier] => Array ( [0] => exact [1] => yearOnly ) ) [hasEndDate] => Array ( [type] => YearEnd [normalizedValue] => 1918-01-01T00:00:00.0Z [dateQualifier] => Array ( [0] => exact [1] => yearOnly ) ) [hasOrHadCategory] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Text [type] => ContentType ) ) [isAssociatedWithPlace] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Wellington repository ) ) [isOrWasIncludedIn] => Array ( [0] => 18805 ) [issuableStatus] => Not Issuable [itemType] => Item [managementRelation] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => New Zealand Defence Force, Personnel Archives [type] => transferring [hasBeginningDate] => Array ( ) [itemType] => Agency [relationHasSource] => AABK ) ) [metadataRestrictionStatus] => Open [rdfType] => record [recordIsMissing] => [ricType] => Physical [ricTypeLegacy] => Item [setSpec] => items ) )
Show Series Access Statement
All personnel files are open/test, except for:Reference enquiries from private individuals in sealed envelopes, which are restricted for 70 years from date of transfer to protect the privacy of enquirers. (Note: the sealed envelopes do not contain information about service personnel; they are enquiries from private individuals only and therefore will not appear in the digitised version of the record).
A large proportion of these records contain microfilm strips that cannot be produced in the reading room for preservation reasons. However, a file that contains microfilm strips can be digitised on reader request and the digital copy will be linked to the Archway entry (if we have not already done so).
If you would like to request that a personnel file be digitised please contact us by either visiting our Wellington Reading Room or by using our Remote Reference Service:
Email: research.archives@dia.govt.nz
Phone: (64-4) 499 5595
Fax: (64-4) 495 6210
Post: Archives New Zealand, Head Office
P O Box 12-050
Wellington 6011
Microfilm copies of personnel files for personnel who served beyond 1920 are restricted on the grounds of privacy. The microfilm reels may not be issued to the public, but Archives New Zealand staff may search the reels and provide copies of information on personnel whose service ended before the end of 1920. This restriction will be reviewed when the remaining service records for personnel who served beyond 1920 are transferred to Archives New Zealand.
W3629: Maori service personnel duplicate files are restricted on the grounds of privacy for 100 years from the date of the last paper on file.
New Zealand Defence Force Historian
Headquarters New Zealand Defence Force
Private Bag