🗄 Defence Headquarters Multiple Number Subject Files



1964 - 1983

The files in this series are part of the Multiple Number Subject (MNS) System that operated in the Defence Headquarters of the Ministry of Defence and documented the policies, operations and general administrative activities of the Ministry.

Wellington repository


Information Services Manager
Information Services
HQ NZ Defence Force
Private Bag


Show Series Restriction Reason

1.  All records are restricted for 25 years from date of file closure in order to protect the political and administrative processes.

2.  The following records are restricted for 70 years from date of closure in order to preserve personal privacy:

    Staff in Confidence files
    Files of a disciplinary and investigative nature
    Complaints or irregularities
    Honours and awards, housing, legal aid and promotions
    Other records containing sensitive information on individual personnel

3.  Records containing financially sensitive information are restricted for 70 years from date of closure in order to protect business interests

4.  Records containing personal medical information or information linking casualty names with injuries, accidents or sickness are restricted for 100 years from date of closure in order to preserve personal privacy.

5.  Records relating to criminal proceedings outside the jurisdiction of the New Zealand Defence Force are restricted for 100 years from date of closure in order to preserve personal privacy.

6.  The following military chaplain records are restricted in order to protect personal privacy:

    Baptism and Confirmation Registers restricted for 100 years from date of last entry
    Marriage Registers are restricted for 80 years from date of last entry
    Death Registers are restricted for 50 years from date of last entry

7.  Records containing legal advice are restricted in accordance with paragraphs 4.58 to 4.68 of the Cabinet Manual 2008 and are not to be released without the approval of the Attorney-General.

8. The record of proceedings of a court of inquiry are restricted indefinitely in accordance with s 200T of the Armed Forces Discipline Act 1971 and are not to be disclosed without the authority of the superior commander of the Service concerned.

9.  Court Martial records are restricted indefinitely in accordance with s 75 of the Court Martial Act 2007 and require the authority of the Judge Advocate General for disclosure.

10.  Some NZDF files are restricted from record lists for 100 years from date of file closure for reasons of security for serving military personnel and to protect sensitive personal privacy.

The files in this series are part of the Multiple Number Subject (MNS) system that operated in the Defence Headquarters of the Ministry of Defence. The MNS System was established with the formation of the Ministry of Defence in 1964, and documented the policies, operations and general administrative activities of the Ministry. Although most of the files were created after 1963, some records from predecessor agencies were incorporated into the Defence Headquarters MNS System.

The Defence Headquarters Standard Defence Filing System (SDFS) replaced the Defence Headquarters MNS System in 1983. Even after the closure of Defence Headquarters MNS system was replaced in 1983, papers continued to be added to some of the closed files.

The New Zealand Defence Force Headquarters still retains the files in the Defence Headquarters MNS System that contain sensitive security or defence information.

Split pin files

🌀 Archives NZ / CC BY

One result in Defence Headquarters Multiple Number Subject Files

CSV Export
ID Name Date Held At
🌀 R17293502 R17293502
Civilian Staff - Discipline - Drugs And Alcoholism

1976 - 1978

Wellington repository







1976 - 1978Wellington
1976 - 1978 Wellington

Archives NZ results via API under CC BY 2.0 license