πŸ—„ North and South Auckland Compulsory Applications



1925 - 1988

These files recorded the details of applications made for the transfer of land from the Deeds System to the Land Transfer System. The Land Transfer (Compulsory Registration of Titles) Act of 1924 made compulsory the bringing of all land still in the deeds system under the land transfer system.

Auckland repository

The file listings were compiled from the books in North Auckland (Series 24058) and South Auckland (Series 24059) District Land Registrar (DLR) minute books – compulsory registration of title.  The Applicant given in these books and ones listed are the registered proprietor(s) at the time when the application was first registered, in some cases there may be further application contained in the file.

Some of the files were not transferred and it is not known where these files are or it they are extant, but the information about them has been left in the list, with a reference to the Minute Book where the information was obtained from.


Loose Papers

Team Manager, Centre Support
820 Victoria Street
Private Bag 3028
Hamilton 3240
Phone: 0800 665 463 (New Zealand only)

All Applications [Compulsory and Voluntary] are closed for 50 years from last date of action. Permission to access during that time through Team Manager, Centre Support, Hamilton Office

The purpose of Land Transfer (Compulsory Registration of Titles) Act of 1924 was to abolish the old system of registration under the Deeds Registration Act 1908, which was cumbersome, comparatively costly, and lacked State guarantee.  In 1923 it was estimated that there were 70,000 parcels of land under the old system.  The scheme was set in place to officially examine old system titles, and to issue certificates of title guaranteed, except as to the specific defects that were found.  A title could be issued as an ordinary guaranteed title, as limited as to title, limited as to parcel or limited both as to parcels and to title.  The Application files contain the documents that support the issuing of Titles.

The Applications were marked as being North or South in line with the North Auckland and South Auckland Land Districts

Enveloped files with Number printed on front

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